The Pedagogy Group
“How to Start a Pedagogy Group,” was given to participants who attended a workshop, “Open Meeting for Arts Educators and Teaching Artists” at Hauser and Wirth, New York, NY, May 17, 2019. The event was facilitated by the Pedagogy Group and was the seventh of an eight part series organized by members of BFAMFAPhD.
How to Start a Pedagogy Group and Artist Run Spaces, PDF
Towards a Social Practice Pedagogy, PDF
Transmission Annual: Labor Work Action
Susan Kleckner and Documents from the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp (September 1984–March 1986)
Susan Jahoda (2013), Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture & Society, 25:2, 242-272, p.12
Russian Aesthetics under Capitalism
Edited by Yulia Tikhonova and Susan Jahoda
Susan Jahoda, Installation, Krasnoyarsk Museum Center, digital print, 2007
Class and Its Others
See: Susan Jahoda, Spring Flowers, PDF